PhD Defense

After three years at Inria Paris, I defended my PhD in machine learning yesterday in front of my jury, my advisors, my peers, my friends and family.

My defense was recorded and is available on Youtube:

The slides are here. The combination of Google Slides + latex2png (in 800 dpi) was very efficient, especially for illustrations.

My manuscript can be found here.

My jury was composed of:

  • Olivier Cappé, École Normal Supérieure (President and Examinateur)
  • Gilles Blanchard, Université Paris Saclay (Rapporteur)
  • Eric Moulines, École Polytechnique (Rapporteur)
  • Lorenzo Rosasco, Università degli Studi di Genova (Examinateur)
  • Zoltán Szabó, London School of Economics (Examinateur)
  • Gersende Fort, Université de Toulouse (Examinatrice)
  • Benjamin Guedj, Inria & University College London (Directeur de thèse)
  • Alessandro Rudi, Inria (Co-encadrant)
  • Carlo Ciliberto, University College London (Co-encadrant)